Each year during 'Ordinary time', as a benefice we follow a theme - this year our readings will be taken from Matthew's Gospel.
There are eight 'Blessed are...' statements in Matthew 5, and these form part of the sermon on the mount. These statements have been described as the manifesto of the kingdom, and Jesus unveils the foundations and character of life in that kingdom. What does they mean for us?
We will be covering these in our readings and sermons in church. We will also be following the themes in some of the small groups.
There are a couple of recommended books, which are:
- The Beatitudes by Beatrice Smith £4.99
- Flipped by Malcolm Duncan £9.99
If you are not already a member of a small group you can see our small groups page, and you can contact the group leader for details. We have groups that meet at St John's over coffee, others that meet in peoples homes, and others that mean virtually over Zoom. Some groups are daytime and some are evenings. They can be a safe space to discuss some of the topics raised in church and the releavance on our lives today.